Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sabbath = Rest and today it was!

This morning I woke up before the kids or Ron...I enjoyed reading a few scriptures and checking in to Healthy Free Life Community (a Facebook group) to see what Habit #5 was for today.

To refresh
Habit #1 ~ Drink water
Habit #2 ~ Pray for 2 minutes
Habit #3 ~ Eat a healthy breakfast
Habit #4 ~ Get moving
Habit #5 ~ Breathe (release stress)

As it was quiet and no one was stirring, not often happens with three little's, I was able to drink a glass of water and fix my water bottle (it holds 24 oz and my goal is 4 per day and no, I didn't reach that goal today...only made 48oz but tomorrow is a new day!)  I spent a few minutes in prayer and did a couple of minutes of stretching (hopefully once we are back in Yaokum I can start walking after we take the kidlets to school).  And then two minutes of intentional deep breathing...two minutes is a very long time!!!  But I made it just as the 11 year old was beginning to stir...whispered to her to grab her tablet and to stay quiet....then Little Bit woke up, gave her her tablet and some gummies...and all was quiet for about 45 more minutes.  During that time I was able to read my verses for the day and do a bit of journaling.

I was reminded how much I love my quiet time so definitely going to get back into the routine of getting up at 5:15a each  morning for that hour of quiet time with the Lord, when we get back to the ranch.

What a powerful verse to begin my day ~
God's Word is Alive!!
God's Word is Powerful
And God knows what is in my heart!!!

And His mercies are new every morning!
Every morning is a new day, a new slate and lots of opportunities!!

This verse reminds me that my life is not a sprint but a marathon...and that I need to keep my eyes on the prize...the final win will be when I see Jesus!!! And that I need to keep my focus on each day, enjoy life's moments, not rush through things and see the positive in each situation I find myself in.

Which reminded me of breathing and focus on calmness, to lead our family from chaos to calmness.

So my focus today
has been to rest and just enjoy today.

The weather was beautiful and about 10:00a the kidlets went outside to play and play they did.  They ran, rode bikes, played on the playground, and made more friends...there are three or four families from Quebec in the campground parked in the same loop we are in as well as a couple of other families.
The kids played and played,
Ron slept late and then read his book,
I spent more time coloring and reading as well.
Then I snuck into the bedroom for a nap
and Ron took the kids for Sundaes on Sunday at the Activity Center.

And then more play time outside!!
I am glad the rain has stopped (though it was needed)
and the kids have been getting lots of natural Vitamin D.

We have one more full day here at the campground
and then back to the real world and routines and schedules!

Thank you Lord for this beautiful day of rest and reflection!!!

Thank you to those who have emailed, texted and commented on my blog,
It is encouraging to me and I appreciate the suggestions.

Blessing to each of you!

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