Saturday, September 15, 2018

Admitting the Truth!

Being truthful and honest is so very important to me...
I hate to be lied too...
and consider myself an honest person


in the last few weeks I was being dishonest
with myself!!!

As most of you know
I have Type 2 Diabetes,
seem to be constantly on a diet
of some sort

and yet two weeks ago 
I had a little come to Jesus meeting with myself

I was in the frame of mind
about what I was eating,
how I was eating,
or when I was eating.

I also spend a lot of money on 
medication to keep my diabetes in check

in reality
I was sabotaging myself,
hurting myself
and wasting a lot of money

and hurting not only myself
but in the long run would be hurting those I care the most about

and so I had this little 
 "come to Jesus meeting with myself"

and thought back to 10 years ago
when I was suicidal,
struggling with feeling okay with myself,
loving myself
and caring about myself

and I took
"suicide" off the table

And realized that
self-destructive behavior
appears in many different forms
and the way I was eating
was a form of self-destructive behavior
and I took it off the table so many years ago
but here it was 
once again, just in a different form

and it had to come off the table
again, forever!!!

And so I shared with a friend,
that my Blood Sugar numbers had been high
and I knew why and I had to stop.
No one can do it for me,
but me.

So six days ago I made the commitment
to stop eating when I go to bed...
yes, I could eat 2 cups of pretzels
or bags of chips or licorice or ????

and I told my friend
to ask me any time
and so for the last six nights I have not 
eaten anything when I've gone to bed!!!

And God has blessed me in that
my BS numbers have been right where they
need to be and I'm feeling better
not only physically
but emotionally

thankful that I was able to recognize,
and change my negative behavior.  

And that leads right into
what I feel the Lord
has been challenging me to be and to see

in my language
in my actions
in my behaviors

So today I am thankful
to acknowledge
how much the Lord loves me

He gives me second chances,
and He blesses me over and over!!!


And He allows me to bless others and not know the why and how
and then He shows me...

Two weeks ago we found out that one of our drivers was a new
Grandpa to a baby girl and so I quickly got busy and made
 for Juan and his grandbaby girl.

I was able to give Juan the blanket this morning
and he started crying, his wife has carpel tunnel
and is not able to crochet anymore and had said to him she wished
she had a baby girl blanket to give their new grandbaby...
now how cool is that that God led me to make that
blanket and its an answer to someone else's prayer!!!

God is so Good!!!!!!

Blog Address Change!!!!

Well I took the plunge and moved my blog over to WordPress! Below is the link to my blog. All of the blog posts I have written sinc...