Monday, February 18, 2019

God is Good...All the Time God is Good!

What a blessing to have a day to reconnect with friends,
be ministered to in Word & song with other believers.

I know I miss going to church,
internet is just not the same!
Yesterday, my sweet hubby pulled a 30 hour shift 
with one short nap so I could go to Midland to
 and see our beautiful and much missed friends
Image may contain: 2 people, including Barbara Fairchild, people standing and indoor
Barbara Fairchild and Roy Morris

The hugs given and received warmed this heart so much.
And oh how the Lord ministered to my heart...
in song
the first song

Pastor Eddy was so welcoming as was every other person who came and introduced themselves to me...oh I could see me going to that precious little fellowship if it wasn't 91 miles from where we live and we didn't have to work 24/7!
But I still soaked it all in!!!

Thoughts & Scriptures from the service

Rest in Christ!!!
Rest in His Peace!!!

Christ is seen through the actions I take and the words I speak...
...Lord help me to be transparent and always God loving!!!

We will never  ...
.... be good enough
.... be able to repent enough
.... be able to go back to what was...stop looking in the rear~view mirror; 
keep looking forward! (thanks Roy for the analogy to life)
.... start where you are, from this point forward
.... give those regrets to God once and for all!!!
.... stop going can't change the past
but you can go forward!!!
even sideways sometimes but always move towards where God leads!!!

and remember through it all

and there is never a hill too steep to climb 
because Jesus is with me always and always!!!
even in the dusty West Texas!!!

Encouraged ~ You Bet!!!
Loved ~ You Bet!!!

and so much more...stay tuned!!!

I also want to say a BIG thank you to those who wrote me here, on Facebook and through private messaging to keep writing!!!

Just remember what you are dealing with today


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. I love reading your blog of encouragement.


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