Tuesday, January 3, 2017


My verse for today
Image result for psalm 37 37
Peace is the calmness that surrounds
me when all is right in my world.

When I think of peace,
I think of God's peace

Image result for peace that passes all understanding

the peace that passes all understanding.

I crave that peace,
the all encompassing peace
that surrounds me and flows through me.

I have felt that peace so many times in my life,
not daily but often
and more often than not in the past few years.

There was a time I didn't have that peace
~ I was full of anger,
angry at the world,
angry at most everyone I came into contact with,
angry with the past,
angry with the present
and spewed anger at most every turn.

What changed that anger to peace?

Learning to trust and believe in God
that the truth of the matter was
that I could not change my past
but I could come to terms with the past
and make good, positive choices
every day of my life.

Have I always made good, positive choices? Umm NO
but I have found the love of Christ
who has forgiven me for the wrongs in the past that I committed,
who has allowed me to forgive those who have hurt me in the past,
for things they did and didn't do.

Do I only make good, positive choices today? Umm NO
but I try to
and with seeking the Lord, trusting Him
and leaning on Him
 I make better choices in my life.

In this year of choosing to be Fluid
I am also learning how to go with the flow
and not be so rigid in how I think things should be.

And so today I give thanks for the peace in my life,
for the peaceful time we have had off this week
and for the peace that passes all understanding 
as we seek God's guidance in
some decisions we need to be making over the next month or two.

I am so very thankful that the sin of anger
has been removed from my life.
Yes I still get angry and frustrated with things,
with people and circumstances
but my response to those things has changed.
I am not so quick to get angry over things I cannot control
and when I do get angry
I try to stop it as quick as possible.

Do I still need to work on this ~ you betcha!

But with God
Image result for i can do all things through him who strengthens me

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