Good morning from Cedarcreek, MO!! Oh, you thought I dropped off the face of the earth...well not has been busy, busy, busy and it doesn't seem to be letting up. As I go through my day I think "oh, I could write a blog post about that" or "I need to write a blog post to catch everyone up" but alas time gets away from me. In more ways than one.
The past week I could tell that I was getting overwhelmed and feeling like I just wanted to run away - a warning to me that I need to get my life back in order...for me...that means daily spending time in God's Word ~ why is it when I need it most is it quickly put on the back burner? get back to exercising ~ in my case, walking for 30 minutes a day, doesn't sound like much but 30 minutes works for me and helps me to feel better about myself; and drinking more water ~ one thing I have done is quit drinking soda..YEP me, no more I am back on track to drinking 100 to 125 oz of water a day and for the past week I have been pretty close to reaching that goal - probably because it has been so hot here lately :) So tomorrow starts week 4 of no soda pop! I do have ice tea or iced coffee once or twice a day.
Now I am setting my alarm for 7 AM - when I sleep till 8:30 or 9:00 I find I just jump into the day, by getting up at 7 I am able to grab a bottle of water and spend 15 to 45 minutes with the Lord and in the Word. I can't believe how much better my daily life is going. Not that I was having lots of issues or problems but my emotional being is in a better state. And that is a good thing.
The topic for this month in my devotion is on
and the scripture for today was
and once again, God has met me right where I am. The reminder that my priority needs to be God first with my all of me: my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength - ALL of me. All of me all the time just not when I have time for God but ALL the TIME!!!
And then to love our neighbors as ourselves. I was reminded of a statement I was told many years ago when I was trying to be superwoman ~ you know super wife, super mom, super friend, super everything!! Janice told me "If you don't take care of yourself, how in the world do you think you can take care of your family?"
I have lots of sticks in the fire right now - working for GUMI Camp USA, keeping our home running, being a wife, mom and grammy, spending time with know the list goes on and on. Once again I am so thankful for God's love, mercy and grace with me.
My question for you today is ~ do you spend time with the Lord each day? Are you following a Bible reading plan? a Bible study?
And in closing I want to give a big shout out to the man who blessed us yesterday when Ron was out checking out a backhoe and the alternator just croaked in our car...with only $80 in the bank to last us till payday, June 23rd Ron decided he would just pay with our bank card, knowing our over draw protection would cover the charge and yes we would have to pay $29 for bouncing the payment, this sweet man, who knew nothing of our finanical situation, stepped up and paid for the alternator, $159. We say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for blessing us beyond measure! And we still have gas money for the next week.
God is Good All the Time,
All the Time God is Good!!!
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