After a busy day in the office for me and Ron fixing multiple plumbing problems in the campground and at some of the rigs of guests we were both exhausted so decided to go out to eat. We like to go to Grand Country for their buffet as we have a Buy 1 Get 1 Free so we decided that is where we would head...on our way we decided to see if we could get tickets to see the Grand Jubilee because a little voice whispered to us that it was the first night of the new show and you know us, we can't pass up a free show!! So we had dinner and then made our way to the theater and got situated in our seats.
As we were sitting there my head started pounding and I was freezing...I had Ron's jacket on my back/shoulders and my fleece on my lap and I just could not get warm. We enjoyed the first half of the show, especially Dolly Parton making a guest appearance...what a hoot. By the time intermission came around I was feeling horrible so asked if we could go home...even though Ron would have enjoyed staying for the second half he obliged me and brought me home.
I immediately got ready for bed and was off in slumber land. Ron was watching football & basketball waiting for our very first Couchsurfer, Josh to arrive. Josh is from Madison, WI and was running in a half marathon in Springfield and found us through the website...I had signed up on that as we are looking for places to stay on our trip out to OR/WA in February and since we love to meet new people and have a spare bedroom here in the apartment...well as they say the rest is history. I heard Josh come in about midnight and him and Ron chatting for a few minutes but dozed back off without moving a muscle in the bed :)
I did a lot of tossing/turning/tumbling in the bed most of the night, got up and got a few drinks of water and even a little bit of 7-Up...and at 6:05 this morning found my mind racing and riding that "awfullizing train." You know the one where you imagine the worst thing that could happen and your brain just continues to snowball through the thoughts. After a few minutes of heart racing/pounding I turned to the Lord and asked Him to take those thoughts captive...I knew they were of Satan trying to attack me and ruin my day. After about 10 minutes of yucky thoughts, prayers to God, tossing and turning I decided the best thing to do was to get up and spend time in the Word...and what a blessing it was. Filled with reassurance from the Lord...beginning with Hebrews 12:11
This was a verse I have claimed over and over during difficult times and I was reminded that though I may face difficult times, horrible experiences or in this case those awfullizing thoughts and they are troublesome that once I call on the Lord...things begin to look better...and this morning I gave thanks to the Lord that the thoughts didn't last a long time, that I turned quickly to the Lord and He filled me with peace and the reminder that I am never alone!!!
And from Psalm 143
that God hears my pleas,
He encourages me,
never leaving me alone
And from Ephesians 1:3-6
He chose me before I was even born!
He wanted me!!
I am not one of his mistakes!!
I am His Beloved!!!
And that is the best thing any child could ask for... be loved, chosen, and wanted!!!
And God, my Abba Father,
wants only the best for now I am
encouraged and looking forward to this new day
that the Lord has made!!!
After this time with the Lord, reading His Word,
listening to the song "This is the day the Lord has made"
I turned to my 2014 Guideposts Daytimer
to read the prayer and the verse for today.
"Dear me how I can welcome the visitor you send to my door. Amen."
Haven't we all been little children at one time?
And doesn't God's word tell us to love one another?
And to bless those we come into contact with?
I don't know Josh's beliefs but I do know
I look forward to getting to know him a little bit this morning
and sharing God's love with him!!
Who knows? Maybe he will become a new life-long friend!!
So I leave you asking...who can you bless today?
And remember You are HIS BELOVED!!!
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