Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today has been a very mixed up kinda day ~ like riding a roller coaster that is constantly going up/down and all around.  I was so wrapped up in my own stuff today ~ trying to focus on God's plan, God's will and not doing a very good job.

Had a very unsettling phone calls with the Texas Workforce office (Unemployment Agency).  But we are keeping on, moving one foot in front of the other.  Following the rules and procedures though feeling pretty bummed about how things have turned out so far in that area.  Then I saw a posting on Facebook about a family in Whatcom County. 

And this is how I responded:   

Please pray for Jason & Rhonda H. Their 19 day old baby girl, Esther has been fighting for her life since she was born. They just received word that the internal bleeding cannot be stopped and that she will be going home to Jesus' arms in a very short little while. Having lost a baby many years ago, this pain is the hardest that a momma & daddy have to go through.
And hearing this and thinking about this family makes my needs seem so piddly.

Thank you for praying.
And then thought/prayed ~ Lord forgive me for being centered on myself today when a couple are hurting so bad as their baby girl struggles.  Please comfort them each as they face the difficulties that are coming their way.  May they feel Your comfort and love surround them as they love and care for their little girl.  Amen

When someone is going through so much more difficult times than I am it puts everything into perspective. 

Thank you Lord for this reality check in my life today.  The problems I have are nothing compared to the pain/heartache that Jason & Rhonda are going through right now.  I know, because Ron and I walked that same road almost 35 years ago.  And it is a journey no parent should ever have to go through.

In closing I ask if you are a praying person, please pray for God's comfort to surround Jason, Rhonda, baby Esther and all their extended family.  Thank you.

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