Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What do you do with a Curve Ball?

Just what are you supposed to do?

First you sit, trying to hold the tears in, trying to understand what exactly is going on and you don't open your mouth.

Then you sit and listen and listen some more.  Wondering why are you being thrown under the bus? You swallow a big swallow and repeat words that have been used and then sometimes you have to repeat them again.  Then you say "what exactly do you mean?"

And then you listen some more,
you ask...are we being fired?
Well not exactly, but dang it sure sounds like it.

And in the listening you hear things being said about something you have done and you are thinking "what are you talking about?"
You take a comment/statement made in which I was asking a question and then tell me you think I threw someone under the bus...um know, did you not hear me say I was following/participating in a conversation and asking a question.

Confused - yep that's where we are.
Oh and lets just throw in a bunch of eye spasms just for the fun of it - do you know how hard it is to sit and look professional when your eyelid is spazzing out of control?
Trust me it's not easy.

And then you remember something you shared earlier
as you prepared to go to work and you had heard some rumors
and so you prayed for all these things to be in your life today.

Well, I can tell you that most of these have been used today ~ and it wasn't because of me it was because I had prayed before work this morning for the Lord to help me to remember these things no matter what curve balls came my way.

And boy have they been flying today ~ 
I can honestly say that God was present and with me - 

And if you have known me for any length of time
My MOUTH often works before the brain kicks in ~ 
starting out my day with the Lord,
seeking His guidance
helped me to get through this day with flying colors!!!

Does this mean we give up?
Absolutely Not!!!
God's got our back
and we TRUST HIM!!!

And we know, no matter what
Jesus Love US!!!
and we are never alone!!!

So we are not sure what is around the corner, but we do know that God is on our team and every corner we make He will not leave us floundering.


  1. Ali,
    May God direct your paths to the blessings and good He has waiting for you. Jeremiah 29:11 His thoughts are good toward you ! Be strong (as you are), and of good courage !

  2. Prayer sent as you seek God's guidance. Watch - He will show up in all the details!

  3. When I first found and followed your blog you were working with a carnival. I could not imagine doing the job you were doing. And you seemed to enjoy it. If you found pleasure working those hours and under those circumstances, then nothing can hold you back.


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